
miércoles, 31 de mayo de 2017

FREEDOM IS NOT FREE | A Soldier's Pledge.


,,,,y menos si no se les olvida, vivirán eternamente en nosotros,,,,

Hello friends,
Greetings, I hope these lines find you and your family in good health and spirits.
On this Monday 29th, please take a moment to reflect and observe Memorial Day, as is a very special time and we cannot lose sight of its meaning. This is a time to remember the fallen heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice so all of us could enjoy our freedoms.
I encourage you to offer a prayer of peace for the people across the world who have been impacted by the cowardly attacks of terrorist and for all those oppressed by their on government. Also, for all the families who will have an empty place at the table this Memorial Day. I wish every person could visit the Arlington National Cemetery or any other veterans cemetery around the world and witness how many Americans have given their life for their fellow Americans.   
Please take a moment to watch and listen to the short video clip, A Soldier's pledge. This message from President Ronald Reagan to people across the world communicates loud and clear that he love the United States of America. His solemn and inspirational remarks were characteristic of an American patriot who unified the citizens of this Great Nation. I hope you enjoy the message and feel proud to celebrate. May God bless America and the men and women serving in the Armed Forces!
Best wishes for a meaningful Memorial Day to you and yours,


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